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Pineapple Kush Marijuana Strain Review And Pictures

Pineapple Kush draws from old-world genetics, a dark green Indica from California. The feeling is calming and brings a centered sensation. It is good for those that prefer a mellow high instead of a heart-racing speedy sensation. The aroma and flavor is decidedly pineapple, with a subtle sweetness that lingers pleasantly on the tongue.
“I like my kushes and this pineapple kush definitely stands out in aroma and quality, its enjoyably smooth yet packs a considerable punch but not so strong that its overkill and it puts me in a happy chill and social mood. Its just great, you won’t be disappointed with this.” – Moonphoenix89
Check out the Pineapple Kush marijuana strain on THCFinder.Com, and see what people had to say about it, and how it affects various ailments.
pineapple kush marijuana strain

pineapple kush marijuana strain

pineapple kush marijuana strain

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