Death Star Cannabis Strain Review And Pictures
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Death Star Cannabis Strain Review And Pictures
“Date Acquired: July 22, 2011
Grade: B+/A-
Type: Indica
Looks: “Thick,” fat deep green nugs fluffy nugs with ample orange/red hair. A real nice two finger sticky bounce.
Smell: A mix of Khuynh-Deip Eucalyptus oil and nutmeg
Taste: Very smooth with similarities to sour lemon and fuel on the top of the palate. Hints of pink lemonade on the after taste that changes up to sour lip puckering lemon causing dry mouth.
Buzz Type: Heady with full body tingle and a bit of pressure sensation (behind the eyes). Euphoric.
Buzz Length: Average to Above Average (1 to 1.5 hours)
* Talk about an “interesting” strain…
Death Star OG does not always hit right away. The moment you think, “Ah man… this bud is not…” then BAM! Out of nowhere I was encased in full body tingle quickly followed by dry mouth. This strain hit me more like a really solid hybrid with that kush quality of “eye pressure” relief combined with a tingly, euphoric full body experience that actually provided me with energy. Around half a hour into a bowl, I felt very “jumpy” – Full tingle experiences is most intense around this time.
But… not enough “legs,” but at peak intensity “buzz” is very good. About half hour at most. The intensity of buzz varied slightly with the one larger nug not hitting as hard as the others.
Pinching the fresh nug left a stickiness on my fingers and when needing to clear my allergy ridden nostrils, all I needed to do is take a deep sniff of the jar that this strain was stored in. Death Star OG did give me a serious case of “Yuck Mouth,” so make sure to have gum and/or liquid or hand. If at home and leaving, I just felt the need to brush my teeth if medicating with this strain.
Worth a try if a “Marijuana Connoisseur” to experience what I felt overall was an “interesting” and a bit of a “trippy” buzz.” – ie420patient
Check out the Death Star marijuana strain on THCFinder.Com, and see what people had to say about it, and how it affects various ailments.
Via weeblog
Jillybean Marijuana Strain Review And Pictures
cannabis strain, cannabis strains, ganja, marijuana strain review, medical marijuana, types of marijuana
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“Jill was lucky enough to be gifted this amazing Orange Skunk and they day we smoked the finished bud we knew we had to outcross it with our Space Queen male. You don’t really have to be a master breeder to figure out Orange and Pineapple Mango will be a good combination. The resulting outcross is remarkably stable and is close to a 50/50 representation of the parents. Topped only once in grows into a nice short bush with lots of side branching and multi heads. Flavors range from Orange, Tang, Candy, Mango, and Apple.”
Like the name implies, this is a sweet, fruit flavored bud that tastes like a mix of jellybeans and pineapple. Jillybean has a dark forest green color with some red hairs and lots of sticky resin. The high from this strain is mellow, giddy, and friendly. It’s good for daytime use and can be used to treat depression and chronic pain.
“JillyBean is one of my all time favorite strains. It is always covered in red and orange hairs, making it look more orange than green haha. The smell is Similar to that of candy very sweet and fruity one of the more unique and distinct aromas I have ever happened upon. Jillybean nugs upon being cracked will “snow” kief and crystals all over your table, i had a jar with just 3.5g of jilly in it and there was enough kief in the jar for a whole bowl!” – Dabbindabshirt
Check out the Jillybean marijuana strain on THCFinder.Com, and see what people had to say about it, and how it affects various ailments.
Girl Scout Cookies Cannabis Strain Review And Pictures
Girl Scout Cookies Cannabis Strain Review And Pictures
If you live in the Bay Area, you’ve likely heard of Girl Scout Cookies. Whether it’s from one of the songs by the famous San Francisco rapper, Berner or actually trying it yourself, Girl Scout Cookies is a can’t-miss strain that will medicate you beyond your wildest dreams. A potent mix of an OG Kush x Durban Poison x Cherry Kush mother backcrossed with a prime-looking OG Kush father created possibly one of the best Northern California strains of all time. For those of you who are into the Bay Area rap scene, you’ve likely already smoked some of this off-the-charts weed after hearing some of the songs by San Francisco rapper and collective owner, Berner.
“Date Acquired: December 18, 2011
Grade: A++
Type: Hybrid
Looks: Frost covered tight and very light weight marijuana nuggets with areas of deep “dark”spotting encased in orange/rust colored hair.
Smell: A slight hint of pepper with a sweet evergreen funk hitting over the top clearing out the nostrils. Smell can be describe as “minty,” but I had to really “detect” it.
Taste: A light, but sweet evergreen/spearmint fruit enhanced flavor with a bit of sweet tea leaf after taste.
Buzz Type: A combination of heady and heaviness providing some solid focus and spatial awareness along with good pain management and relaxation.
Buzz Length: Long to Very Long (2 to 2+ hours)
* Girl Scout Cookies, “Original Thin Mints” somewhat threw me for a loop when I first started medicating with it. On my very first bowl, my first thought was; “YES! A Sativa that’s straight up FIRE!” Fact is, Girl Scout Cookies, “Original Thin Mints” (GSC-OTM) is a hybrid strain that was mostly heavy, but also quite heady; headier than most hybrids I’ve medicated with going as far back as I can remember. That initial shot of Sativa like headiness stuck with me on the first bowl for a good while until the more dominant heavy and relaxing Indica qualities take over.
While feeling “up,” GSC-OTM provided me some intense focus and clarity. I was able to get of work done in a short amount of time. I was able to work quite fast. When the heaviness builds up, it feels like someone is taking three of their fingers and pressing against the inside corners of my eyes and bridge of nose. The relief I felt around my eyes was awesome. Very similar to most Kush varieties I’ve medicated with, but with a little added euphoric feeling.
GSC-OTM has a nice initial scent, but the lingering scent can get funky from broken up marijuana nuggets. I found I had to light candles and use spray; not from smoking inside my house, but from after snipping a marijuana nugget. The lingering scent is STRONGER. My wife commented on that several times and although I do not smoke flowers inside my home, I might as well given this flowers lingering smell; which I actually like, but is very noticeable to the “non-user.”
The majority of the time, GSC-OTM did not couch lock me, but the overall buzz effect could be a bit to heavy for some for day use and this buzz is long; with a typical full bowl consistently hitting the 2+ hour mark with me. Knowing that my overall tolerance could be higher due to more concentrate use, having this long buzz term meant a longer duration of use before depleting supply (a good thing). With GSC-OTM, a little goes a long way.
The heaviness of GSC-OTM provided me with great pain relief. I’ve even made note where my head was pounding me one day from limited sleep and after a bowl of GSC-OTM, I was feeling fine. I really like how this strain was mellowing and relaxing while attacking pain while still providing mental awareness. I enjoyed many “happy hours” while medicated with this strain.
When medicating heavy (multiple bowls in a short time span), the come down is noticeable “harder.” This is when I get hit with watery eyes and the case of the yawns. A heavier “come down” made me a bit lethargic.
Crafted in Northern California, I was very happy to get this strain knowing I received the original directly from SAN FRANCISO. An interesting name for a marijuana strain, sometimes I sit back and wonder how it was named. Is it because the dark spotting makes some marijuana nuggets look like green chocolate chip cookies under the camera? Is it because it crumbles like cookie crumbs when breaking up the marijuana nuggets? When breaking off into little “crumbs,” GSC-OTM also burns like a Kingsford charcoal; to a flaky white.
Girl Scout Cookies, “Original Thin Mints,” has been hyped up quite a bit through the Internet and Pop Culture. But this is one strain that DOES live up the hype. Straight FIRE and my first IE420 “Certified Fire” strain of 2012! There are several variations this “Cookie” strain and do hope I am fortunate enough to come across ALL of them!” – ie420patient
Check out the Girl Scout Cookies marijuana strain on THCFinder.Com, and see what people had to say about it, and how it affects various ailments.
Via Theweedblog
Coolest 'Bonsai' Marijuana Plant Ever!
When it comes to the size of pots for cannabis plants, the general rule is 'The Bigger, The Better'. And that's correct when you have a lot of space. The bigger the pot, the more roots your plant can make, the bigger your plant will get, the bigger your harvest will be. Simple. But sometimes there's not a lot of space available, or maybe you just don't want to get some giant plants. So what happens when you put a seed in an extremely small pot? Well, Jiggs put a seed of an autoflowering 'Quick Fruit' from 'AC Genetics' in one of his traditional beer glasses (0.5 liter) and he created the coolest 'Bonsai' cannabis plant ever. Plant grows a firm, sweet and sticky cola and reaches a height of only 29.5 cm!
An unemployed porno addict, sitting in his parents’ basement, playing video games, eating Lucky Charms out of the box with one hand while he lazily scratches his balls with the other. A dread-lock having, patchouli oil smelling, tie-die wearing, Phish listening, hula-hoop twirling space cadet. A burger flipping, acne having, socially inept, friendless loser… These are the common stereotypes associated with the term ‘pothead’. In a recent piece we published on pot farms, a debate erupted in the comments section, with some arguing that if you smoke pot, you’ll be poor, gay, and “washing dishes until you’re dead.”
Where these stereotypes originated remains a mystery to us. In reality, they couldn’t be further from the truth. Not only have 42% of Americans admitted to trying pot, but pot smokers have gone on to become some of the most successful people in our society. We’re not talking about Willie Nelson and Snoop. These guys are on the Forbes 500, they’re leading the free world, and they prove that all existing pothead stereotypes are nothing more than myths.
Sir Richard Branson
While the ‘Sir’ in front of this guy’s name puts him in some very elite company, it doesn’t automatically get him on this list. What does earn him a spot is the fact that he’s the 236th richest person in the world, founder of the Virgin empire, which encompasses everything from airlines to record stores to cell phones, and made his entire multi-billion dollar fortune from absolutely nothing. Not only does this man smoke weed, he gets high with his 21-year-old son. He has publicly stated that there’s nothing wrong with smoking pot, has petitioned for the legalization of pot, and even said that if it were legal, he’d sell it.
Rick Steves
Your name doesn’t become synonymous with ‘European Travel’ by accident. You can’t just take a bong hit, lay back in your bean bag and toss off a few ‘graphs on how awesome the Louvre is. And yet here’s Rick Steves, author of 27 top selling European travel guides, host of his own TV show and radio show, and a very outspoken pothead. He’s a member of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, and credits pot for turning him into a better travel writer by opening his mind to new things.
Aaron Sorkin
In fairness to tokers around the world, Sorkin is a bit more of a ‘drug addict’ than he is ‘pothead’. He started dabbling with weed and coke back in the late ’80s, has been in and out of rehab numerous times, and was arrested for possession of marijuana, mushrooms and crack in 2001. So yeah, he loves to smoke weed… but he also loves to freebase. Not cool, Aaron! However, the man’s drug problems have done little to hinder his success in Hollywood. His work on The West Wing, both as writer and producer, earned him multiple Emmy Awards, and countless nominations for other awards.
Michael Phelps
Mr. “Has More Olympic Gold Medals Than Anyone In History” made headlines this week when photos of him and a bong surfaced. Since the scandal, Phelps has given a few interviews decrying his “bad judgment,” promising it was a dumb mistake that never happened before and won’t happen again… but we know that’s bullsh*t. Phelps was hitting that bong like a pro, not daintily toking some little amateur joint. With this in mind, we’re going to go ahead and assume this wasn’t Phelps’s first time. It might be his last, but it definitely wasn’t his first. This means that you can become the most world class athlete of all time and be a pot smoker at the same time. Stereotype shattered.
Barack Obama
Almost every American President before Barry, from Washington to Clinton to Bush, has had a pot addled past. Clinton purportedly tried and failed to smoke a joint, Bush was a boozer, but messed with coke and pot from time to time, Washington even grew marijuana on his farm. But as far as we know, none have admitted to smoking as much pot as Obama. He wrote extensively about his stoner past in his book Dreams of My Father, and in a 2007 interview stated “When I was a kid I inhaled frequently. That was the point.” Anyone who wonders what kind of future a pothead can have should take a hard look at Barack Obama. Not only can you grow up to be ridiculously smart, you can grow up to be President.
Michael Bloomberg
The Mayor of New York’s last name is associated with ‘business’ and ‘success’, not ‘failure’ and ‘the munchies’. But if you’re one of those idiots who believes a pothead could never amount to anything, you’d have never guessed this was the way Bloomberg would turn out. Did he smoke pot when he was younger? In his own words “You bet I did. And I enjoyed it!”
Ted Turner
Ted is a rare breed of billionaire — he comes off as completely absent minded, incapable of even putting on his own pants. Yet he is a mega-mogul. He single-handedly invented the 24-hour news cycle with CNN, was named Time’s Man of the Year in 1991, is the largest private land owner in America, and also owns a few other TV stations, and the Atlanta Braves. So… owning lots of stuff? Not what you’d expect from a guy who grew pot in his college dorm room. Ted is also a major funder of the Kentucky Hemp Museum, along with renowned stoner Woody Harelson, and is a well known fan of the classic stoner cartoon Scooby-Doo.
Montel Williams
The talk show prince discovered pot late in life, and for good reason. Back in 1999 he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and couldn’t find anything to suppress his symptoms. He tried all sorts of pain killers; none worked, and all had horrible side effects. So he decided to try medical marijuana (same thing as regular marijuana, FYI) and it worked wonders for him! Years later, he is one of MS’s most recognizable faces, one of medical marijuana’s staunchest defenders, and even though he’s baked all the time, still managed to host his own talk show until 2008, when it was unfortunately canceled. Well, at least he’s still got his weed.
Stephen King
We haven’t included many creative types on this list, mostly because they’re all potheads. Every actor, musician and artist ever is a huge pothead. It’s a fact, don’t dispute us. But writing 1,000 page novels is a slightly different process. You can’t just ‘jam out’ The Stand. Over the course of his career, both his output and his success have been unparalleled. He’s authored upwards of 50 novels and short stories which have sold a collective 500 million copies worldwide. He’s also been one of the most vocal proponents for the legalization of marijuana, calling laws against the drug “ridiculous,” and stating that “I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry.” It makes perfect sense. You’d have to be stoned to come up with some of the sh*t this guy has.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
The Governator is the only man on this list who is actually on video smoking weed. In the classic documentary Pumping Iron, he is seen smoking, and loving, a joint. But hey man, that was the’70s, right? Things have chanced since then. Haven’t they? Well, Schwarzenegger hasn’t been puffing since his election to office, but he has presided over California’s recent medical marijuana renaissance. Now anyone who wants one can get a pot prescription in the state, which gives them legal access to some of the best weed in the country, and even allows them to grow plants in their own home. According to Arnold, marijuana “is not a drug, it’s a leaf.”
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